Showcasing impact:
International Centre for Knowledge Resilience
We were tasked with establishing a visual identity and online presence for ICKR to educate audiences on their purpose, encourage new collaborations and promote existing work.
Visual brand identity •
Web design
After over a decade of research collaboration between academics at eight global universities, the International Centre for Knowledge Resilience (ICKR) was formally established to support emerging researchers to solve global challenges.
Their important work was published in reports and implemented in projects, but there was no central hub to encourage further dissemination of their work.
Our work
The visual design was brought to life with a colour palette that references the brands of ICKR partners. Copyright-free imagery was sourced to visualise the sweet spot of ICKR’s research: where humans, robots and nature intersect.
The outer ripple on the logo alludes to the influence of ICKR’s work, and forms a forcefield around the Centre, symbolising its focus on knowledge resilience.
Working closely with the Australian team, and using information from foundational documents, we built a simple and informative website. We recognise that the needs of an organisation at the start may be very different in the future, so we established a site structure that will withstand growth.
With limited budget, the brand development was limited to a simple visual identity and logo design.